Cooking beyond for Eating

Thank you for visiting my website.
I’m Yusuke from Japan and currently stay in Thailand.

Through the media I’m happy to share my food lifestyle which make people healthy and happy both physically and mentally.

If you are interested in Japanese style cooking, you might get any inspiration.


Learn Japanese style home cooking.
Easy to cook, Tasty and Healthy (Umami 101).

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Try my creations

At Koto Tea Space I serve special tasting menu (Koto Tea Experience).

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My cookings

Foods and sweets cooked in daily life.

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Learning & Review

Sharing insight through cooking and experience.

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Learn basic Japanese home cooking

Umami 101

Make tasty warabi mochi

Warabi Mochi Master Class

Contact for the latest updates

There are more special workshops about Japanese cooking. Feel free contact us.